The new semester has officially began and is in full swing... And change, well, it's not always the easiest thing to accept. My roommate and myself have rearranged our room, we've pierced our ears, and bought some new clothes. To say we're attempting to embrace this new "change" is a bit of an understatement. :)
However, I would just like to note that I have decided to enroll in and try to pick up French as a third language. Yea, I know.. Call me cray cray. I've been struggling with the numbers and how to introduce myself already. This is going to be a bumpier ride than I expected: Bonjour! Je m'appelle Kelsey. Comment allez-vous? (Hello! My name is Kelsey. How are you?) Impressive, right? I thought so too.
I would like to tell you about my weekend. It was one of the most entertaining, fun, confusing, and downright awkward weekend of my entire life. And I LOVED it. (Shout out to Bridget here because I know she'll appreciate my awkward encounters..) For starters, I got to reunite with some old friends from back home of friday night, Jodie, Amber, Ashley, and a new friend, Tana. We met in my dorm and began our trek ALLLLLLLL the way across campus and then some. Luckily, we ran into the Oasis Guy, Tim (Oasis being a restaurant on campus that delivers until 4 am). We somehow got him to agree to drive us to our destination instead of walking. We love Tim. Then, after I met some more new people we started our trek ALLLLLLLL the way to the other side of campus.. We're nuts. But, WAIT! As we walked across the street, we heard a honk! It was Tim! He was kind enough to offer us yet another ride to our destination. At this point, we would have married the guy. It was snowing, and it was windy and just plain gross outside. We eventually went to Taco Bell for a nice, yummy burrito and then back to S. College to warm up. The trek back to the dorms would have been a little more enjoyable if Tim would have given us his number. Boo.

Tim's Oasis car, and the whole crew.
Then came Saturday. I once again branched out and met some more new people! (Two nights in a row, I'm awesome.) This time I went to a friends house and she happened to have invited a group of girls I didn't know. Well now I do. This is where the awkward encounter begins. There was a certain someone at a certain place and we haven't seen or talked to each other in a certain while... For a good reason I might add. Well, we saw each other and then we had a short, polite, and awkward conversation about how we missed one another and then he (yes, a he) proceeded to remind me why we haven't spoken to each other in awhile. As soon as I walked away he was spotted with another woman! How dare he! Just kidding.. but it was still weird. As the night neared the end, I was now spending time with a totally different group of people than when I started and we trekked back to the dorms once again.
Sharon and Myself, looking mighty spiffy if I may say so.
Sunday was a shop til we drop kind of day. We went to the mall about 20 minutes from BG and we just went. On a whim, we decided to pierce our ears. Mine for the first hole, Sam's the second (double ear piercing) and Amber's cartilage. Below is video evidence of Sam being a wimp. It was a perfect ending to a weird weekend. :) Hope you enjoyed.