Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Love Cats

Please enjoy the following video..   I Love Cats

Seriously. I love cats.  But not that much. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Something to do..

Hey everyone!

So, this post has no significance.. yet.  I'm bored.  I could study for my Spanish midterm that's Friday, but I'm not feeling it. I like to imagine I know everything about the Spanish language.. ha. haha. But anyway, I knew I hadn't posted in awhile, but tomorrow's my birthday, so I wanted to save the fun, exciting post for tomorrow...  :)

Let me tell you about my day.  First I woke up, went to the bathroom, and I'm just kidding.  I won't make you read about my day in details.  That would be terrible.  However, today I did find my future boyfriend. His name is Liam, and he is in the band called One Direction.  The new Backstreet Boys (which, funny story.  This morning in my water aerobics class, we listened to a mix CD of all the good Backstreet Boys songs, you know, the ones you know all the words too? It was magical.) band.  Seriously.  Check them out.. you know what, here. I'll help you check them out: What Makes You Beautiful :)

Well that's all for today. More tomorrow. :) Actually, more this weekend.. I want to make one giant post about my birthday celebration.  The BIG one nine. haha.. just kidding. But look forward to my awesome pictures and wonderful stories!!! :)  Stay excellent.  Love, Me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Preparing for my interview!

So as you all know from my last post, I have an interview to prepare for.  Yesterday, I spent the majority of my day making some crafts and recording them so I can show all of you lovely people how to do them as well!  So I'm not going to say much except, enjoy! Oh, and one of the songs in the background is not really my ideal background song while showing a craft, but I didn't notice it as I was recording.  My apologies.. :/

AND, one last things, my roommate Sam made a guest appearance!  I'll post some photos as well of our finished bandanas.. :)

FAIL. Huge fail.  I'm slightly annoyed now.  Apparently Blogger doesn't like iMovie and won't let me upload my videos for you.. so here are the pictures.  Not as good, or witty as me, but they will suffice.

Our bandanas.. ignore the lack of creativity. And Sam's poopy colors. :)

The paint chip necklace

The gimp bracelet/key chain

The wrap bracelet.. My favorite.

And finally, the 5 strand braid head band.

And now, the gallery of awesomeness:

The END. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Crafts, Crafts, Crafts

Hello all.  I have an interview on Tuesday for Camp Libbey.  I'm nervous.  But, tomorrow I will be spending the entire day doing crafts.  

You see, I originally was only going to apply for the counselor position and lifeguard, but as I read throughout the opening online, I saw that the arts and crafts coordinator position was open.  Of course, I jumped on it.  It turns out, for my interview, my lovely interviewer wants me to have a curriculum or at least a few ideas put together of camp.  I have a TON of ideas.  But every good crafter knows that you can't really, truly sell a craft unless you've tried and succeeded at it yourself.  So my journey begins.  

My pile of craft supplies.

So tomorrow, if I make it out alive, I will be posting some pictures and letting you all know how my crafts turn out. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Confusing Times..

So, I almost had a legit panic attack while at water aerobics this morning.  Now, don't go jumping to conclusions and thinking that it was because the exercising was rough, or there was a spider, or my foot cramped, or I saw a frog in the pool, no.  Although all of the above would have been slightly amusing, none of that happened (Well, the exercising was kind of hard today, and my foot did feel slightly cramp-tastic).  I, for some odd reason, got that gut-wrenching feeling of doom.  That moment when you realize that you had 4 study guides, cuatro (Spanish), quatre(french), FOUR study guides due the next day, and you have not even looked at them.  Not once.  So, I raced home from the rec, took the fastest shower ever, and whipped out my agenda book.  It wasn't in there.  Frantically, I grabbed my laptop and turned it on.  During those 2 minutes it took for my laptop to start up, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.  Seriously, I almost cried.  I quickly opened up my syllabus for the class to find that the study guides are due in 2 weeks.  Not tomorrow, not the day after, but TWO WEEKS from now.  Wow, Kelsey.  Get yourself together.  Of course, this doesn't motivate me at all to actually start the study guides.. I have 2 weeks. They're obviously not on the top of my list. :)

Next, I would like to take a moment to vent about my french class.  I sincerely enjoy learning the language.  I like to find the comparisons to Spanish, but the people in this class are just absolutely the most idiotic people I have ever met.  I realize that's a little harsh, but I'm not exaggerating.  Not even a bit (OK, so maybe a bit, but leave me alone).  For starters,  this one girl, who is extremely loud and has a man voice, sits in the front of the room and insists on yelling about getting drunk before every single class.  Not necessary.  Next, there's the girl who sits 2 seats away from loud-mouth.  She insists on laughing like a donkey every 5 minutes.  Why you may ask? I have no flipping idea.  And then there's today.  Today the entire class had issues trying to pass a paper to the person behind them.  Everyone started shouting about how they didn't have a paper and they didn't know who they were supposed to pass it too because they were at the end of the row.  Seriously? Are you five years old?  I wanted to kick someone.

And I just realized that my venting wasn't really a moment.  It was more like a long, uncomfortable pause.  Thanks for hanging in there. :)