Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Benefits of Cookie Jar

Well hello there.  So I know that I have been slacking lately, and by slacking, I mean that I have completely neglected to stay updated on my fellow bloggers or to even pay attention to my own blog and what's going on in my life.

Here's an update: I am almost completely through the pledge process of APhiO, I am almost finished with the spring semester of my first year of college (YAY), I'm working at a camp this summer in Michigan, and I have so much to say on here right now that I'm having a hard time keeping my thoughts straight and in order.. What?

So, in the past week, I feel like I realized how much I've been missing out on by not throwing myself out there to meet new people (and by meet new people I don't mean by just saying hi, exchanging names, and then moving on).  I have legitimately met a few new people that, frankly, I'm upset I haven't really known up until now.  It's crazy!

So here's the point of this blog:  Basically I just wanted to give a S/O to Breanna Nelson for being the poop.  Really.  I shared my life story with this girl the very first night we actually sat down and talked.  That's impressive.  And that the cookie jar was amazing tonight by the way.  Oh, and I guess I can say hi to Lindsey and Leah too.  :P

Stay excellent. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Big/Little Week with AlphaPhiOmega

So this past week was Big/Little Week.. what is that you may ask?  Well.... Basically, the Bigs, active brothers, get to pref three "littles", which are pledges, and then the Pledge Educators get together with our VP of Membership and match up the brothers with a little or littles.  It's a huge process and it takes forever to make everything work out correctly.  After the Bigs find out who they have, they get a week to plan and get cute little gifts and clues put together for their little.  They also might put together a fake Facebook page to talk to their Little all week.  Then, during Big/Little Week, the Big's will leave the clues and gifts in the APhiO office for their little to pick up.  The littles then spend the week receiving bogus clues (which may or may not be true) and trying to decipher them to figure out who their Big is.  It's a blast in a glass. 

My Big was a real hoot.  Right off the bat, I received a friend request from my Big and we started chatting. I was curious so I decided to creep on their page and their info, which led me straight to their email address on the page. FAIL. HAHAHAHAHA.. My Big then spent the entire week trying to throw me off and give me completely false clues, with no success. I'm a smart cookie.  

Last night was Big/Little Reveal.  While walking to the BA building on campus, I was still 97% positive that I knew who my Big was.  All the pledges had to sit in a room together and wait to go into the room with the actives one at a time.  When it was finally my turn, the girl that I thought my Big was didn't get up and leave the pledge room (she was a pledge educator so she was keeping us company).  Then I was confused.  I walked into the room with my mind racing and thinking that my Big had actually thrown me off.  I was flustered! When I turned around to see who my Big was, Emily Haynes was standing there with her arms wide open and saying she was my Big! It was exciting... Obviously, look at the picture. lol

BUT WAIT! All of a sudden, another brother, Molly Pottkotter stood up and said that she was my big.. Then I was flabbergasted.  I had no idea what was going on.  And then, FINALLY, Julia Godber came running into the room and shouted that she was my Big!  She was who I thought it was the entire time and I was so happy that it was her! (not that the other two were bad)

Julia and I 

Julia, Mariah (my "twin"), and me

 Part of my family tree, Chicka BAMF (Brothers And My Friends)

Julia and I again!

All in all, the week of Big/Little fiasco was amazing and I'm so happy with my family!  S/O to Julia, Emily, Molly, and all the brothers that helped to trick me at the last minute! :)

Thank for reading. <3

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kony 2012- Shaping Human History

This is a link to a video that is roughly 30 minutes long by Jason Russell, which is lengthy, but well worth it.  Take the time to view it and ponder it.  If you're too busy to watch the video now, but want to continue reading, here's the point: it's the movie Blood Diamonds in real life.  Never seen the movie? Go get it at the library. Seriously.  And just a warning, it's a tear-jerker.  Now you may continue reading:

I will be the first to admit that I hate when people shove things down my throat and tell me what I should support and what I should donate to, but I'm about to do the same thing.  You would understand why if you watched the video.  

I cannot even begin to fathom the idea of this happening to our children, neighbors, friends, family, let alone in the United States at all.  This is one of the saddest things I've ever come in contact with.  These children are being ripped away from their families and are being forced to kill, mutilate, and humiliate innocent people.  

In the video, at about 15 minutes and 30 seconds is wonderful moment.  Russell says, "Where you live shouldn't determine if you live."  Amen, brother.  That is so powerful.  I can't imagine being afraid to sleep at night or afraid to wake up in the morning and see which of my friends were missing.  Children deserve to grow up free of fear.  

"WE HAVE TO CARE, WE HAVE TO KNOW," another powerful quote from the video.  Without the people in the United States creating a stir about the issue, the government will not continue to help.  In October of 2011, eight years after Russell and his friends started their campaign to stop Kony, President Obama sent 100 American Advisors to Uganda in order help train and equip the soldiers there, so they will be able to track Kony and stop him.  If we stop caring about the issue, the government will too.  And as much as I've disagreed with President Obama's stand point and agenda, I love him for this.  It's just so terrible that as a Power Nation, we could only spare a mere 100 soldiers.  One hundred.  There are over 30,000 child soldiers working for Kony.  Boys are made into soldiers and little girls are made into sex slaves.  Can you imagine this happening in your own community?  We need to make the government and politicians of our country see that this is a cause worth fighting for, "not for self-defense, but because it's right."

We are shaping human history by drawing attention to Joseph Kony.  By making him famous, we are showing the world what he is doing and that it needs to be stopped.  Personally, I have taken the opportunity to purchase a bracelet from the organization that was only ten dollars (11.95 with shipping).  My money will go to the cause of spreading this terrible story so that we as a whole can try to end it.  If you don't want to spend twelve dollars on a bracelet, I ask you to donate one dollar.  Just one dollar.  Or even better, if you're a college student skip your Starbucks for one day, and donate that four dollars to the cause.  And if that's too much to ask, cause you need your caffeine fix, just visit to sign the pledge and help to spread the justice.  

Thanks for reading. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Break-- Numero Uno

So this week is spring break.  Exciting, right? Wrong.  Well, sort of.  I wish I was going to some exotic country or a nice beach, but unfortunately, I have a lot of homework and a long list of things to do.  Ugh. 

Today, I spent some time with my long lost weirdo friend, Ashlin.  It was magnificent.  We failed epically to set up her iTunes on her iPhone though, but it all worked out in the end.  After that, I went home and started my Pros/Cons list for my summer job opportunities.. That was fun.  I still haven't made a decision, but time will tell.  After dinner with my parents, we all went to visit my great-grandmother in the nursing home.  Love that woman. 

After my wonderful day, I made plans with another long lost friend, Andrea! We're going shopping on Wednesday and catching up.  Later on Wednesday, I'm hosting a casual night at mi casa with another set of weirdo friends (if you haven't noticed, I have a lot of weirdo friends).  Thursday morning I have a phone interview with one of my summer camp options, so that's exciting! And this weekend is dedicated to my truest of true weirdo friends: the high school clan.  I'm ecstatic for this reunion. Shall be a fun time. :)

I just wanted to keep you all updated on what's going on in my life. Hope you enjoyed it. Shout out to the loser clan of one: Marisa Coons.. you know what you did. ;)

Oh! And ice cream makes me cough. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Head up, stay strong.  Force a smile, move on.

That is all.  Stay tuned.