Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

So this weekend was Halloween, obviously.  But this wasn't any ordinary Halloween.  This was my first Halloween weekend as a college student! Yes! Exciting, right? Well, not really.  It was just like every other weekend except we all froze our butts off in cute costumes that everyone was too intoxicated to really notice. Not exactly what I call FUN. 

I was a ketchup bottle! YAY!

Sam was Clark Kent!

Besides the actual dressing up, Amber and myself carved some magnificent pumpkins.  They were so cute.. Mine is still alive, but sadly, Amber's was smashed by the boys.. Meanies.

Here's a small look into our night (ignore the bad quality, it was dark and we relied on a man to take the photo):

All in all I would give the weekend a below average rating, but since I got to hang out with some pretty chill people all night, it was worth it. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Goodness of Breadsticks :)

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you accomplished nothing but really when you think about it you accomplished quite a bit?  Well, today was one of those days for me.  

First, I was able to sleep in for the first time ever at BGSU.  I recently moved into a new dorm and away from a church who's bells rang every hour, into a room with great blinds that keep the light out like no other! So after sleeping until noon, we got up and got dressed because according to Sam, my roommate, "I feel more accomplished when I get dressed.. it's just something about not having a bra on."  I completely agree. 

We then ventured down to the laundry room and to the computer lab.  And while waiting for our laundry we walked to the union for Starbucks and pizza.  Great lunch.

After trekking back to our dorm and putting away our now clean laundry (which doesn't even come close to fitting in my shallow drawers) we proceeded to waste time on Facebook. Of course.  We even squeezed in a little time for Phineas and Ferb.  At 4:30 we both got our acts together and got out of our room.  I started the long haul (which isn't as long anymore) to my brother's house.

There, a huge pile of dishes had been calling my name for days.  I literally mean days.  So I set in on the dirty job (which took an hour) and eventually made my way back to my dorm.  At this point, we were starving.  So Amber came and joined us in our new room and we decided to walk to Campus Pollyeyes for breadsticks.  

The last time we went to Pollyeyes we politely asked for one breadstick not knowing that it was impossible to buy just one stuffed breadstick.  The manager made us a sampler of breadsticks and told us that if we promised to come back we could have them for free. YES.  So this time, we were pros.  We each ordered 3 breadsticks and as we waited for our food we began to sing a little song.  It goes something like this....

After this song, we began to sing another little tune...

At this point, we decided that every time we go to Campus Pollyeyes we must sing these two songs and smile entirely too much. Get ready BG... Get ready.  And it's only 10 PM! The night is young. More to come.


This is a preview of how to create a post on Blogger.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Digging Deeper.

So as the title suggests, we're going to dig a little deeper in this post.  Just past the "that was a really vague post" but before the "whoa, that was too much info". 

I recently joined Pinterest and I LOVE IT! It's the most addicting site I think I've ever been on.  Like clockwork, I check my Facebook and once I think I've "creeped" on everything I need to, I go ahead and switch over to Pinterest.  Well anyway, this post isn't about Pinterest, it's about something I found on Pinterest...

Those words just reminded me of some great things, and some not to great things that I'm sure we've all been through or at least have seen someone else experience it.  

First loves, first heartbreaks, just a lot of firsts that come way too soon in life.  We all have to move on from high school and branch out at college.  Leave the nest, as they call it.  People leave your life and others take their spots.  You learn who matters and who was just a place-holder.  You find out that your family can and will be the most important thing in your life.  

I always thought it was really cliche for people to talk about how they don't need a man to complete them, but sometimes I wonder if people who never find that someone special are truly happy with the life the live?  I'm not sure how I would feel about that.  While in high school, I went through a situation with a really great guy that just ended up blossoming into a hot mess to say the least, and for the longest time I was really upset with myself for letting myself get so attached to what we were that it crushed me so bad when it was over.  I wouldn't say "love" was involved, but it was just one of those things that you can't really help how you feel.  Needless to say, I felt as though I wasn't being treated fairly and so I got out.  However, it wasn't that easy.  Things change, people change, and situations become so unbearable that you think you'll never be able to get past it.  Don't tell yourself that.  You really won't get over what happened if you set yourself up for failure.

I've always assumed that one day I would meet my future husband, maybe not right now, maybe not in the next 3 years, but eventually.  I just wish I would know what to expect.  Expect the worst, but hope for the best.  It's the only thing you can do.  Pray about it, leave it in God's hands.  Don't be afraid to let people in and to share your struggles.  But remember to grow.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Contemplating Life.

So as I sit in my dorm room setting up my schedule for next semester, I begin to think about what I really want from life... and I remember: I have a bucket list!

63 items are on my bucket list and I'm very proud of the items that I have selected to complete in my lifetime.. I won't share the list with you because I feel like a bucket list is something you have to come up with on your own and not because you want to steal items off of someone else.  However, I will share a few items with you... :)

Some of the completed items include: making a music video, saving a life, wake up on a beach, and learn to drive a stick shift.  In all I have completed 18 of the 63 items.  This is impressive considering I've only been working on this bucket list for about 2 years now.

Music Video

Panama City Beach!

Jack (my instructor) and Illigan (the jeep I learned to drive.. stick shift obviously)

Some items that are yet to come include: adopt a child from another country, fix up a run-down house, get married, ride an elephant, make a traditional chinese meal... Interesting, I know.  I can't wait to get the chance to complete all these tasks and to be able to say that I successfully accomplished 63 things I wanted to in my lifetime.  More to come.. :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Just a quick word today folks...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

Take that as you wish.  Make your mark.
Stay excellent.