Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Contemplating Life.

So as I sit in my dorm room setting up my schedule for next semester, I begin to think about what I really want from life... and I remember: I have a bucket list!

63 items are on my bucket list and I'm very proud of the items that I have selected to complete in my lifetime.. I won't share the list with you because I feel like a bucket list is something you have to come up with on your own and not because you want to steal items off of someone else.  However, I will share a few items with you... :)

Some of the completed items include: making a music video, saving a life, wake up on a beach, and learn to drive a stick shift.  In all I have completed 18 of the 63 items.  This is impressive considering I've only been working on this bucket list for about 2 years now.

Music Video

Panama City Beach!

Jack (my instructor) and Illigan (the jeep I learned to drive.. stick shift obviously)

Some items that are yet to come include: adopt a child from another country, fix up a run-down house, get married, ride an elephant, make a traditional chinese meal... Interesting, I know.  I can't wait to get the chance to complete all these tasks and to be able to say that I successfully accomplished 63 things I wanted to in my lifetime.  More to come.. :)


  1. I would love to see your bucket list so I can copy them all!! :)

  2. The whole point is to be creative susan! Duh!!! You can't just copy my list. You have think really hard about what you want to do, then write it down and slowly begin to accomplish it.
