Well, it's good to be home for a change. :)
Last Wednesday I set out on my adventure to Cleveland, Ohio. All alone. Without a GPS. I had my good old google maps directions printed out and some freshly burnt CD's to accompany me. My trip went very well, aside from getting on the expressway and missing my exit, but that's ok. I had a lovely phone conversation with Breanna (hello there) who kindly directed me to su casa from where I ended up while she straightened her hair because apparently I was thirty minutes early (which was garbage, there just wasn't any traffic... ). Anyway, I had a lovely time chatting, watching movies, napping, exploring the mall, going to the beach, and of course trying her mom's spaghetti (which was delicious). One smallish down fall though, I was packed for Versailles, Ohio weather, not Willoughby, Ohio which was right next to the lake. It was absolutely freezing in my t-shirt and shorts. I did get to see my good friend Sarah though! yay! We had dinner with our friend Lindsey as well where Breanna was working and it was great. I missed them all so much and I'm so happy we found time to see each other!
After my four hour trip back home on Friday (and two Starbucks coffee's later), Paige met me at my house and we were on the road once again! I'm nuts, I know. For a grand total of 6 hours of driving on Friday, we finally made it to Wilmington to visit Danielle. Our visit consisted of the following: eating, sleeping, watching TV, sleeping, watching TV, cleaning horse stalls, eating, sleeping, showering, eating, sleeping, going out for an hour, watching TV, sleeping, and eating. Worst part is, we loved every minute of it. :)
Upon arriving home, I dropped my stuff off inside, said hello to mi familia (my brother was home, who knew?), changed into my swim suit, and headed out to the cabin to lay out and relax. We ended up in the pond, which surprisingly, wasn't as cold as we expected. We enjoyed the first swim of the summer and my Aunt Janice was kind enough to capture that wonderful moment:
You can't really see us, but in case you were wondering, from left to right there's Kimi, Bridget, Paige, and then myself.
So over the course of 5 days, I spent less than one hour in my own house. That takes some talent. But that's all for now, I have a date with the sun at 1 and I'm about to be late!
Happy reading. Stay Excellent, Me.