Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello Cleveland & Wilmington!

Well, it's good to be home for a change. :)

Last Wednesday I set out on my adventure to Cleveland, Ohio.  All alone.  Without a GPS.  I had my good old google maps directions printed out and some freshly burnt CD's to accompany me.  My trip went very well, aside from getting on the expressway and missing my exit, but that's ok.  I had a lovely phone conversation with Breanna (hello there) who kindly directed me to su casa from where I ended up while she straightened her hair because apparently I was thirty minutes early (which was garbage, there just wasn't any traffic... ). Anyway, I had a lovely time chatting, watching movies, napping, exploring the mall, going to the beach, and of course trying her mom's spaghetti (which was delicious).  One smallish down fall though, I was packed for Versailles, Ohio weather, not Willoughby, Ohio which was right next to the lake.  It was absolutely freezing in my t-shirt and shorts.  I did get to see my good friend Sarah though! yay!  We had dinner with our friend Lindsey as well where Breanna was working and it was great.  I missed them all so much and I'm so happy we found time to see each other!

After my four hour trip back home on Friday (and two Starbucks coffee's later), Paige met me at my house and we were on the road once again!  I'm nuts, I know.  For a grand total of 6 hours of driving on Friday, we finally  made it to Wilmington to visit Danielle.  Our visit consisted of the following: eating, sleeping, watching TV, sleeping, watching TV, cleaning horse stalls, eating, sleeping, showering, eating, sleeping, going out for an hour, watching TV, sleeping, and eating.  Worst part is, we loved every minute of it.  :)

Upon arriving home, I dropped my stuff off inside, said hello to mi familia (my brother was home, who knew?), changed into my swim suit, and headed out to the cabin to lay out and relax.  We ended up in the pond, which surprisingly, wasn't as cold as we expected.  We enjoyed the first swim of the summer and my Aunt Janice was kind enough to capture that wonderful moment:

You can't really see us, but in case you were wondering, from left to right there's Kimi, Bridget, Paige, and then myself.

So over the course of 5 days, I spent less than one hour in my own house.  That takes some talent.  But that's all for now, I have a date with the sun at 1 and I'm about to be late! 

Happy reading.  Stay Excellent, Me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A wee bit of everything today Kiddies

As some of you may know, I'm taking two online summer classes at BGSU in order to receive my junior status that's necessary to live off campus next year.  Well, I was unable to find any classes that actually pertain to my major (AYA Spanish education), let alone classes that I need at all.  So I ended up signing up for Music of World Cultures (MWC for short) and Intro to Art.  My MWC class started today, but me being anxious and what not decided that I needed to start last week, just in case.  So I've been working on African music now for probably 3 days or so (by 3 days I mean I logged on three different days and worked on it for probably no more than 20 minutes once I subtracted out the wasted time on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.) and I was beginning to wonder if I got myself into something a little more difficult than expected.  :/

Today, I logged on to see if there were any announcements from my professor, which there weren't, and then I decided I should probably work a little more on the African music section.  I FINALLY made it to a quiz and then it hit me.  Because I had looked ahead a little bit, I knew that the African quiz was pretty far down on the agenda.  So I finished the quiz (100% by the way, yea, I'm good.) and then I went back to the calendar and realized that it was set up day by day and not week by week, like I originally thought. So now I'm four days ahead of schedule with the annoying African tribal music under my belt.  BOOM.  I  couldn't be happier, because in all honesty, if I can't distinguish the instruments from the voices, there's probably some kind of migraine that's going to form as I try to decipher the African language.  Let's be real.

Enough about boring schoolwork though.  I'm sure everyone who is finished with school is tired of hearing about it, and those who aren't finished are probably tired of hearing about my start of a new "semester" already. Oops. :)

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I like Mother's Day. But only a little.  It's a great holiday, a good reason for one anyway, but it always seems to make me feel guilty.  Yes, guilty.  Because I'm a sassy and dramatic person, especially when I'm dealing with Mother. So, sorry Mother for my sass on Saturday and for my ridiculous behavior these past 19 years.  But also, thank you for the wonderful memories and for raising me with a good head on my shoulders and morals to be proud of. :)

Along with yesterday being Mother's Day, it was my first official weekend home that felt like summer!  It was nice outside and we got out the comfy chairs at the cabin instead of the icky wooden tables.  And dinner, well put quite simply, it was DELICIOUS.  We pulled another hillbilly idea out of our backsides and had a Mongolian grill kind of thing over an open fire with tons of fresh garden veggies and some meat for those in the family that aren't herbivores (which would be everyone but me).  All in all, it was a good start to my summer and a wonderful day with the family. :)

Speaking of good starts to my summer, last week and the weekend before were some classy days as well in good ole Versailles, Ohio.  The weekend before the one we just ended (as in May 5) my friend Bridget Mescher's sister got hitched!  Which mean, a good wedding reception and a lot of people having a good time and helping them celebrate their new life together.  Loved it.  Last week on Wednesday (or maybe Tuesday, I don't know really), a group of us went canoeing.  Yes, canoeing.  It was absolutely perfect.  Even though I ended up getting attacked by a thorn bush while sliding down the side of the bank after a pee break, and we almost tipped twice but somehow Tyler saved us when I was already halfway in the water, I still had a blast and wouldn't change a thing.

This is about to be a summer to remember already, and it's only week 2!  :)

Happy reading, stay excellent.  Me.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Importance of Sleep and Ambsuhing

Well hello there my avid readers! (I like to pretend a lot of people read this, so humor me.)

I just wrote a whole long post about this and realized that it made absolutely zero sense.  So I spared you the terrible reading. You should thank me.

Basically, all I had to say about sleep and ambushing is when you're just barely asleep and someone calls  you or texts you in the middle of the night and you answer the phone just to make it stop buzzing.  An ambush. I'm not saying it's always a bad thing or someone you don't want to talk to, but its usually a conversation that you won't remember or you won't really even participate in.  You don't even look to see who it is half the time, you just answer.  Therefore, sleep is important ladies and gents, don't forget that. 

That's all for now.  Happy reading. Stay excellent. Me.