Friday, May 11, 2012

The Importance of Sleep and Ambsuhing

Well hello there my avid readers! (I like to pretend a lot of people read this, so humor me.)

I just wrote a whole long post about this and realized that it made absolutely zero sense.  So I spared you the terrible reading. You should thank me.

Basically, all I had to say about sleep and ambushing is when you're just barely asleep and someone calls  you or texts you in the middle of the night and you answer the phone just to make it stop buzzing.  An ambush. I'm not saying it's always a bad thing or someone you don't want to talk to, but its usually a conversation that you won't remember or you won't really even participate in.  You don't even look to see who it is half the time, you just answer.  Therefore, sleep is important ladies and gents, don't forget that. 

That's all for now.  Happy reading. Stay excellent. Me.


  1. That's it? I ambush you 3x a week then.

  2. Sorry, my lack of sleep and the amount of ambushes is causing me to slack a little on my post lengths.. :P
