Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Long time no see.. Whoops!

Hello once again my lovely friends and family.  My apologies for the long pause in my blogging career!  Here's what you missed:

I should probably warn you all that I've been permanently wearing my Sassy Pants for about 2 weeks now.  It's getting a little out of hand, so just beware.  Beware the Sass.

First of all, this semester is going very well!  I'm enjoying my ceramics class as much as I thought I would and I'm so excited to start bringing home projects.  I wish I would have enrolled in the classes sooner.  Maybe a summer course...? Anywho, we had critiques today on our coil pots (our first projects) and mine was well liked! (YAY!) My professor, who is Canadian, young, and very handsome if I may so (except he doesn't say about like a Canadian does... which means he's far too Americanized for my taste), really liked my work as well!  He said, (and I quote)"Your pot is constructed quite well (that's his Canadian catch phrase right there) and this is a hard shape to conquer.  I think you handled it very well and I'm impressed with your outcome."  WHAT?  Yea, I died a little when he said it.  And of course I blushed all over and started sweating a little.  I think he liked my reaction.. (Well, he still came and talked to me about next project a little later so I guess that's a good sign..)

My Spanish class is kicking my behind though!  I just feel like my Spanish is a little rusty from the break, and the professor talks REALLY fast and I just get so lost and overwhelmed and then shut down.  I can't do it.  The other day we were talking about the melting pot in the United States and then I got a little lost and the next thing I know, we're actually talking about stews and soups!  I cannot keep up with this man, but he's a nice guy.  Funny too.  And we all know how I like my humor, even if I don't catch his jokes until five minutes later when I've finally finished mentally translating.. Ugh.

This brings me to APhiO (only because there's a new pledge, Colin, in my Spanish class.  He's kind of quiet, but he's hilarious.  That's a compliment Colin, in case you ever read this.  Oh! And your friend Steven is funny too.  You're both great.  Keep it up.)  We have new pledgies!!! WOOOOOO!  And.... Drum roll please.... I'm the new SECRETARY!  How exciting, right?  Right.  I get to put together the powerpoint for chapter, I'm in charge of Shout-Out Sundays (S/O to Devon Proudfoot, who I will mention again later in this post, for HELPING create the idea!), and I also get to teach all the little pledgies how to use Orgsync (where we log our service hours).  I'm excited to get to meet them all and welcome them all as my new brothers!

My branch after ceremony.  Emily, Julia, Mariah, Me, and Grace.

Of course you knew that I had to get to some sort of party story... Well, here it is (it's not that great, so don't get too excited):

Basically my story has to do with my new found friendship with Devon R. Proudfoot.  He's great.  End of story.

Amanda, Devon, and myself (rocking the hipster glasses and I look FINE.)
Just kitten! (<--- See what I did there?  Kitten? Like meow? Ha. I crack myself up.)  But Devon was apart of all my shenanigans last week/weekend!  Of course we spent some time together at APhiO fellowship events (he's the fellowship chair, whoop whoop!) during the week, but then there was our cute little gathering at a Brother's house after our pledge ceremony.  Amber and I rocked the pong table, beating all the pledges that dared to take us on (including Colin and Steven whom were mentioned above) with a winning streak of 6 games.  Yes, I said 6.  That's impressive for us, a.) because our attention spans are not that long and b.) because the table was really tall and it was REALLY crowded. Also, I enjoyed trying on Devon's glasses the whole night.. which might actually be the basis of our friendship.  I want to steal them.

Saturday, I was a tired puppy.  BUT, I still managed a shopping trip with my Little, Grace!  And a special S/O to Jodi who drove us in her adorable car to Toledo and got us home safely, eventually.  You see, she somehow managed to "miss an exit" when in all reality she most definitely got lost.  But I was napping in the car anyway, so I'm not really going to complain too much about it.  After our safe return, we headed to the hockey game.  Now, let me tell you about my love for hockey.  Sam and I, we just thoroughly enjoy those hockey men.  A lot.  And, if you will, imagine a redneck watching some Nascar and a crash occurs and he gets all worked up about it and jumps out of his seat and yells and what not, well that's what happens when Sam and I watch hockey.  It's intense, but I love it.

Some Brothers at the hockey game! (Photo cred. to Jodi, she's great.)

To round out Saturday's festivities, a few APhiO brothers and Sean's actual brothers hung out at Sean's place to watch "Back to the Future 3".. and by watch I mean, everyone watching except Sean, Sally, Devon, and myself.  Sean and Sally were being anti-social and Devon and I just PTFO'd right on Sean's living room floor.  Whoops.  Not sorry.

Sunday morning was eventful.  Not only did I get to meet Sean's lovely mother, but I enjoyed a great homemade breakfast (with burnt cinnamon rolls.. Silly Sean) AND I got to spend more time with great friends.

I had an overload of lovely people this weekend, and for those of you who know me well enough, you know that sometimes I don't like people.  And by sometimes, I mean most of the time.  They're annoying.  So this was good for me!  I branched out a little.

I ALMOST FORGOT.  A very special S/O to Kara, Ashley, Sally, Sean, Matt, Mariah, and Kara's roommate (I can't remember your name and I feel awful about it, so sorry!) for a great Superbowl viewing extravaganza!  I ate entirely too much, smelled a lot of weird things, and embarrassed myself over my obsession with Beyonce.  Still a great night though!

And I think that's really all I have to say.  I realize that I said I was going to catch you up on the weeks I've been gone and really I only caught you up on the past weekend, but just pretend like I continued with my adventures.  I'm much too tired to remember that far back.

That's all for now though.  Hopefully I will get my act together on this blog and start posting weekly again!

Also, I wasn't very sassy at all, so you're welcome.  BFFBJAD.

Happy reading!  Stay excellent, Me. :)