Sunday, April 29, 2012

Finals Week: Freshman Year at BGSU

I would just like to start out by saying that my anxiety is through the roof right meow.  So if I go on some random tangent at any point during this post, I apologize.  I can barely think straight right now.  

So my finals week has officially started and I'm actually not that stressed about it.  I have one exam on tuesday morning, two exams on thursday night, and my last exam is on friday afternoon.  I'm probably not worried yet simply because I haven't even began to study and I still feel like I have a lot of time. I'm a crammer, I never study until the night before, and it usually works pretty well.  But we'll wait and see when it's monday night at 10pm, and I'm hyperventilating in my bed trying to comprehend my Educational Psychology information.  Oops!

Now to the point, I want to take the time to reflect on my first year of college.  It was wonderful, crazy, heart-breaking, breath-taking, eye-opening, educational, and magnificent all at one time. In a nutshell, it was PERFECT.  I wouldn't change a thing.  I made new friends, lost new friends, kept some pretty good ones, and stayed connected with the ones that meant that most from back home.  I missed my family and friends less than I expected but that's only because I had some amazing people here to distract me.  

There's just one sticky part about my year.  The experiences I've had with APhiO (the good, the bad, and the ugly) have helped me to get the most out of my first year here at BG, and I'll have to admit, I think I would change a little bit about that experience (which means I lied earlier in my post when I said I wouldn't change a thing, oops.  Lo siento).  I pledged the first semester, but I ended up dropping because I felt pressure from others to do it and not because I wanted to for myself.  However, there was a lot of dramatic occurrences during my pledging experience the second time, which didn't stop me from completing the process.  I'm thankful for the people that helped me through those hardships and helped to make me feel comfortable in the chapter.  So I guess the point is, that I wish I wouldn't have felt pressured that first semester and I would have gotten involved in this wonderful organization sooner rather than later. (My whole family tree at initiation)

Back to the good stuff!  S/O to my roommate, Sam.  Amazing girl.  Love her.  I'm going to miss her and our crazy moments that are worthy enough to put on our quote wall.  And of course, our taco bell runs.  I'm kind of glad my first roommate was a weirdo and I had to move out.  Otherwise I would have never met Sam, I would have never found out about APhiO, and I definitely wouldn't be where I am right now.  So thanks to her. :)

S/O to Jody!  My spanish buddy through thick and thin.  This girl kept me going all year with my spanish classes.  I'm so lucky to have found a classmate with my major and who is willing to travel to Spain with me and put up with me for a whole year!  I can't wait to embark on that journey together and I definitely think we should still sell some "screw drivers" by the bars to raise some money for our trip! (Jody and Marley)

S/O to my Big and G-Big!  Julia, my big, has helped me work through my ridiculous pledge issues and has been a great mentor thus far in my experiences.  Emily.  Emily, my grand big, is just crazy.  I love her.  And I'm sad we didn't know each other's circumstances earlier in the year, or we all could have lived together.  Poop.  But I will miss you both dearly this summer. (my Family branch)

S/O to my future roomies, Kelly, Jodi, and Beth.  I can't wait to get started next year and to get to know your girls better.  I'm looking forward to our apartment thingy at Copper Beach! (P.S. I don't have a photo with Beth or Jodi, but Kelly is in the middle!)

S/O to my falcon heights clan.  This means you Leah, Lindsey, and Breanna!  For putting up with my mental breakdowns (though they weren't on the same level as Leah's), my anxiety driven freak outs, and my ridiculous CATtitude, I thank you! I owe my survival through the second semester all to you guys.  Who knows how crazy I would have been at this point.  Love you, and I'll miss you.  My visit some time in May will be PURRfect. :) (This is Breanna, for some reason I don't have any pictures with Leah or Lindsey.  Probably because we spend most of our time together in sweats and crying. lol :P.  No one wants a picture of ugly crying)

And finally, last but not least, a S/O to Amber, Sarah and Stef.  You girls were like my 3 extra roommates.  Through thick and thin, we've had a two way street living and learning together.  I thank you all for a wonderful year, and I can't wait for the years to come. :) (Amber, Stef, Sarah, Sam, and Ben)

I think that's all.  I think.  If I forgot some people, I'm sorry!  

And now, for the future.  

In the immediate future, I will begin to spend my days with Bridget, making cupcakes and tie dying until our hands are literally unable to move.  I hope she's ready, cause I know I am. :)

That is all.  Stay excellent.  Happy reading. :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let's play a game...

So, some of you may know this, but I sometimes like to play a fun little game with people that I wish to know more about.  Basically, I just ask a few questions and give my own answers as well.  So let's play!

I'll go ahead and be nice and put my answers on here as well, so happy reading!  Feel free to comment with your answers or send me an email,

1.) Favorite color
Yellow, and not goldenrod or some gross dingy yellow, but the legitimate crayon yellow color.

2.) Favorite candy bar
Take 5, a little bit of everything.

3.) Favorite Cartoon as a kid
Blue's Clues and then Hey Arnold, both classy. 

4.) First crush
Bryant, some kid who was from Texas who moved to my school in the first grade and then left again at the end.  It was a sad day. 

5.) Favorite t-shirt
My M*A*S*H t-shirt from my last performance in high school.  That show meant more to me than I ever realized at the time. :)

6.) Favorite Song
Depends on my mood, but one of my favorite groups is The Script.  Anything by them is usually amazing.

7.) Who do you look up to the most?
My parents.  Both wonderful, hard working people. 

8.) Favorite type of shoe and why
My yellow toms, not just because they are my favorite color, but because I've had some pretty good times in those shoes.  

9.) Eye color you are most attracted to
Green or gray.  Green, because my eyes are green and I'm obsessed with my own eyes.  Gray because there's something mysterious about them.  I can't help it.

10.) Junior homecoming date
Shout out to Mr. Jack Langenkamp.  A great night, with a great group of friends. 

11.) Any regrets?
None that I care to share with all of you. :P

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Slacking.. Oops!

So it was brought to my attention this evening by Marisa Coons that I have been neglecting my blog.  And I have.  My apologies.  So I'm here tonight, or very very early this morning whichever way you would like to look at it.

What have I been up to, you ask?  Well, I am officially a brother of Alpha Phi Omega, Zeta Kappa Chapter, as of last night.  It feels great!  It was a long process and it definitely had its ups and downs, but it was well worth it. :)

That really is the only excitement I've had for awhile.  Probably why I've been neglecting my blog.

I was also voted "Most Easily Distracted" in my pledge class.  It's already taken me 37 minutes to write this much.  Coincidence? I think not.

Back to my life.... I met some pretty amazing kids this weekend.  Lindsey May (hi honey!) had her little sister and two of the kids she babysits for come to BG for Sibs n Kids weekend.  They were a hoot!  I loved playing charades, cackling, and even smelling the farts of smallish children.  Maybe not so much the last thing, but it was the origin of our cackling so it was worth it.  I spent my saturday night in a dorm room with 4 other brothers and their sibs and/or kids for a total of 9 of us.  I'm pretty happy with that.  It made me super excited for summer and going to camp and bonding with all those girls!

I also have come to the realization lately that I have promised a whole lot of people that I will be spending a whole lot of time with them.  Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of time which means that you all will have to accept the fact that we will need to share my time and double dip.  That means Versailles-ians will need to share me, Cleveland-ers will need to share me, Columbus-ers, and my family as well.  This is gonna be rough.  Challenge accepted? Yes sir.

Well, I think that's about it for now.  Happy reading! :)