Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Leftover Cauliflower, Kittens, and my Bucket List

Hello there again.  Two posts in one week?  Who am I?

Today I have decided a few things:
1.) I'm making a pizza crust out of cauliflower, egg, basil, and red pepper flakes
2.) There are a few things I WILL accomplish in a few weekends as well as a few in Spain
and 3.) Today I will be posting a lot of kitten pictures

The pizza. We had some raw vegetables last night as part of our dinner, and Mother said that she was going to throw away the cauliflower.  I said, "HOLD UP ONE MINUTE SIR." No, I did not actually say that, but secretly I wanted to.  I have pinned so many recipes for cauliflower crusts or breadsticks (and by so many I mean 3).  I decided that I will be successful with cooking this today.  Right now, it's on its third round in the oven, it smells nice, but it looks like it has a suspicious texture. Wah.

Bucket List. A few weekends from now, I will be hosting several of my friends from BG at my grandparents' cabin.  I mentioned this before, but I figured I would say it again because I know some of you don't read as religiously as you should. Tisk, tisk.  Two things will be accomplished that weekend: sleep in a tent with 12 other people and go star gazing.  Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, I have been star gazing before.  Duh.  Who hasn't? Well, that's just it.  I'm sure at least one of my friends will have never had the chance to star gaze out in the country where there are no lights or buildings to obstruct the view.  And, I like to complete items on my bucket list consciously and with thought.  So there.  Sleeping in a tent with 12 other people? Yea, that's been a goal of mine for quite a few years now.  You can ask Paigey and Coley.  They'll vouch for me.

While I'm in Spain

PAUSE, a few words please.  Sometimes I do this thing where I get so excited to make something new that I start it without making sure I have all the ingredients I need.  It happens a lot.  Today is one of those days.  I made cauliflower pizza crust.  We have no pizza sauce.  We have no mozzarella cheese.  Those are two important ingredients for pizza.  Good work, Kelsey.  Good work. I will be enjoying a pizza wanna be with no sauce.  Fail.  Pause over.

I will accomplish a few more things than in a few weekends.  I will hopefully:

Write a rap song. Why? Because I want to feel like a badass.  K? K.

Milk a goat.  Milking a goat is a common thing in Ohio, I would say.  That's why I want to do it in Spain. That's something entertaining.

Bake Thanksgiving dinner.  New country.  New family.  New traditions.  I want to bake a Thanksgiving dinner that I would have at home for my host family and maybe for my BG friends as well.  (There's this weird custom there that you don't invite your friends to your home to hang out or for dinner.  You go out together and meet at a cafe or whatever.  It's kind of cool, yet oddly different.  So dinner may just be an exception if my host family agrees to it.)

Ride an elephant.  Let's be real, who doesn't want to ride an elephant?  I know I may be the only person in the world who sort of wishes they would figure out how to make a miniature elephant like they do dogs and pigs for pets (even though that whole process of making animals mate and do weird things creeps me out and all), but I know I'm not alone when I say I want to ride the majestic beasts.  Beautiful creatures.  Scary as heck, but pretty cool.

Travel to Greece, Italy, and Australia.  I'm going to be so close that I'll be able to taste them.  I will go.  No matter what.  (Except the civil war thing going on in Greece, that may stop me from going any closer than the outer most island.  But that's ok.  The island will be pretty enough and close enough for me.)

And finally, send a message in a bottle.  How cool would it be for me to send a message in a bottle while I'm in Spain?  Basically the coolest thing ever.  I can't wait to do this one.  I just can't think of a good message.  I want to send the most epic message ever.  EVER.  I'll do it.

This brings me to my closure, Kittens. I love kittens.  And cats.  And elephants, but let's stay on topic here.  Kittens are great.  Cute.  Small.  Cuddly.  Just all around great things.  Here are a few of my favorite kitten pictures (courtesy of Twitter and Bridget):

That is all.

Happy reading.  Stay excellent, ME.

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