Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Benefits of Cookie Jar

Well hello there.  So I know that I have been slacking lately, and by slacking, I mean that I have completely neglected to stay updated on my fellow bloggers or to even pay attention to my own blog and what's going on in my life.

Here's an update: I am almost completely through the pledge process of APhiO, I am almost finished with the spring semester of my first year of college (YAY), I'm working at a camp this summer in Michigan, and I have so much to say on here right now that I'm having a hard time keeping my thoughts straight and in order.. What?

So, in the past week, I feel like I realized how much I've been missing out on by not throwing myself out there to meet new people (and by meet new people I don't mean by just saying hi, exchanging names, and then moving on).  I have legitimately met a few new people that, frankly, I'm upset I haven't really known up until now.  It's crazy!

So here's the point of this blog:  Basically I just wanted to give a S/O to Breanna Nelson for being the poop.  Really.  I shared my life story with this girl the very first night we actually sat down and talked.  That's impressive.  And that the cookie jar was amazing tonight by the way.  Oh, and I guess I can say hi to Lindsey and Leah too.  :P

Stay excellent. :)

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