Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Dinner: Catch up! Halloween, Birthdays, and Skype Dates

Hello there.  

So, I didn't post last weekend.  And I felt guilty about it all week, but I couldn't post on a random day and mess up my whole Sunday dinner thing.  I blame it on the fact that I didn't cook anything last Sunday for dinner, so there.  Lo siento. 

Here's what you missed:

Last weekend was Halloween/Beth's 21st birthday!  It was an absolute blast.  For real.  Friday I went out as Snow White and met up with some coworkers and we just had a jolly good time. Saturday was just... well it was a 21st birthday party, you get the idea.  Enjoy our lovely faces:

Cayla, Kortney, and myself.

Birthday girl Beth, Kelly, Jodi, and me!

The following Monday, we had Big/Little reveal with Alpha Phi Omega!  My family (the Fierce Fam) made shirts for our littles and ourselves.  It was so much fun.  My little was so excited to finally meet me too, so it was worth the wait and the surprise to see her reaction.  Everyone's Little's were so excited and the whole experience is just wonderful.  It's great to have someone in the chapter that you know you can go to with your problems or concerns.  I love that it's meant to be a mentorship, but in most cases, it turns into a lifelong connection.  

Meet my little Grace!

And finally, this weekend's adventures!  I hung out with my friend Sarah from my french class for the first time.  I met all of her friends and got to jam to some classy music!  I love meeting new people at random places too, so the night was perfect.  Funny story:  We were both talking about how we find the hockey player in our french class very attractive, and suddenly this guy (who's name I can't remember now because I was so concerned about how identical he looked to the hockey hunk) comes walking in the door!  Needless to say, we forced the poor guy into a photo shoot with us and called him Scott all night.  Oops.


And last night.  Last night was a keeper.  It was Dani's 21st birthday!  She decided to throw an ABC party (anything but clothes), so me and my friends went as a birthday theme!  I dressed up in wrapping paper, Sarah and Amber wore gift bags, and Sam had on a giant plastic party bag!  I wore my dress for an hour without having any problems (besides being able to sit down or bend at all) and then I had to get in the car.  Worst nightmare.  I ripped a whole right on my butt! I was soooooo upset!  But not to worry, there was extra tape!  I got it all patched up, just to realize that I had to pee.  That's a whole other story though.  I'll spare you the details.  

Sam, Sarah, Amber, Me.

Today I finally got to see the beautiful face of Sarah Watters!  I missed this girl so much!  If you look back at my post about my summer job as a camp counselor, you'll see her in that one too!  She seriously cracks me up.  We started talking about camp and how she's going to go back again this summer.  I was  so sad and jealous, because she received an email asking her to come back as a counselor.  And then it happened.  As I was scrolling through my emails, I saw it.  I also received this email!  How exciting?!  They want me back! (Again, if you read the post about my camp experience, you'll understand why this is so exciting and surprising.)  So now I have tough decisions to make ahead, and so much to think about with my future, and my credibility, and just everything.  Ugh.  These next few weeks will be some rough ones, you can count on that.  

On a lighter note though, Sarah and I discovered that our awkward friendship at camp has continued to grow.  She now asks random people and friends if they have an awkward face.  Yep.  She does it.  So I would just like to share with you the famous awkward face that made its debut at Lake of the Woods Summer Camp in 2012.  Drum roll please.....

There you have it folks.  The best face ever.  Probably better than Jenna Marbles version of "the face".  Look it up.  It's funny too.  And of course, I'll share her beautiful face with you again:

I love her.  A lot.

There's a lot of photos in this post.  Wow.  I hope you like them.

And as for dinner, I don't know what I'm making yet, but it's going to be something good.  I can feel it. 

Happy reading.  Stay excellent, Me. :)

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